By the end of this module, you should be able to…
- Have an overview of relevant Research Infrastructures, especially their collections and research communities and how to connect with and through them
- Understand how Digital Humanities and eHeritage collections and Research Infrastructures can be employed in the initial research design
- Be aware of methodological opportunities and challenges related to specific data types
This module is dedicated to developing research questions in the Digital Humanities (DH), especially on finding, working with, and contributing data to digital collections and using digital Research Infrastructures (RIs). It will show examples of how DH and eHeritage approaches in cooperation with relevant RIs can lead to innovative research questions and methods.
The target audiences of this module are Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage (CH) researchers and practitioners who wish to learn how to best benefit from and work with digital collections using digital RIs. The module is also suitable for computer scientists and researchers/practitioners in data centres who want to gain insight into more humanities & cultural heritage related aspects of digital research infrastructures.
Skill level: Communities of researchers and practitioners that are not yet users of RIs and those who are already aware of DH and CH Research Infrastructures, but need more knowledge how to engage with them and benefit from them.
Each submodule deals with different digital collections and is divided into sections that deal with different aspects related to this specific data type. To begin, we recommend you to first look at the general introduction page. As you continue through this module, you will be able to see your progress as you reach the end of each section. Most sections span a few pages and you are able to navigate between them using the buttons at the bottom of each page.
At the bottom of each section, you will find a ‘Further Learning’ tab for resources, which will allow you to deepen your knowledge. These lists are not exhaustive, but will give you a sense of next steps to delve further into the topic.
Submodules available in this Module:
- Collections of Parliamentary Records (written by CLARIN-ERIC)
- Collections of Computer-Mediated Communication (written by CLARIN-ERIC)
- Collections of Digitised Newspapers as Historical Sources (written by Impresso)
- Digital Humanities and Heritage Research Infrastructures (written by E-RIHS)
Credits and Acknowledgements: The concept of this module, and the introduction were developed by Darja Fišer (University of Ljubljana and Jožef Stefan Institute) and Jakob Lenardič (University of Ljubljana) in close cooperation with the PARTHENOS Training team. It was edited by Marie Annisius (University of Leipzig), Vicky Garnett (Trinity College Dublin) and Ulrike Wuttke (Fachhochschule Potsdam). Full credits for all submodules can be found on the ‘Module Credits’ page at the end of this module.