
by Trinity College Dublin

By the end of this section, you should be able to….

  • Know what networks exist within the research infrastructure ecosystem for the arts and humanities

Where do ‘Networks’ feature in our statement?

Research infrastructures bring together diverse resources and make them usable and available for the long term in order to conduct research (either individually or collaboratively) and share the results of that research.  

Perhaps the most important aspect of research infrastructures in the humanities is the manner in which they create networks of individuals able to assist and support each other.  Indeed, the organisational structure of the DARIAH infrastructure is based on the ideal of ‘Virtual Competency Centres,’ which emphasises the fluidity of research methods in the digital humanities as well as the importance of interaction to the continuous support of such methods.

Within Europe, infrastructure can be found at a number of levels.  At the highest level, the European Commission takes a top-down approach to the instigation of infrastructure provision, with both DARIAH and CLARIN appearing on the European Strategic Forum on Research Infrastructure since 2006.  Both of these are established now as durable entities under a specially designed legal structure (a European Research Infrastructure Consortium, or ERIC) with the membership of 15-20 EU member states.

Beneath the umbrella of these ERICs, a number of projects addressing specific communities – some advanced, some only starting, have arisen.  These projects will last for a number of years and generally contribute to the formation and value offered by the ERICs.

Below this managed pan-European level, nationally or institutionally funded infrastructure projects or projects developing tools or content with a wide enough reach in terms of users and durability are also common.  Even at this level, you can generally find out more about the project or resource via the project web page or by emailing the project team.


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Your progress through the "Introduction to Research Infrastructures" module
